
When instantiating Sbml4j with

client = Sbml4j()

pysbml4j will attempt to connect to an instance of SBML4j running at the default location


The port 8080 and the application-context /sbml4j are the default configuration options for SBML4j.

In case you did change those default parameters on your personal installation of SBML4j, or if you want to use pysbml4j to connect to the SBML4j demonstration-instance running at:

you can use the Configuration class to configure your python connector accordingly.


You can import the Configuration class using:

from pysbml4j import Configuration

Constructor arguments

The Constructor of the Configuration class allows the following arguments:

server string http://localhost port integer 8080 application_context string /sbml4j user string sbml4j =================== ========= ================

If you omit any of these parameters the default-values will be used.

Setting the server

Create an instance of the Configuration and pass the server address:

conf = Configuration(server="", port=8989)

Pass this configuration to Sbml4j upon instantiation:

client = Sbml4j(conf)

or create the configuration in-line:

client = Sbml4j(Configuration(server="", port=8989))