
Pysbml4j is a python library to connect to a running SBML4j service and interact with it.


Pysbml4j requires Python3 and has been tested with Python 3.9.1 (should be 3.9.5).

Install with pip

The SBML4j python client library pysbml4j is available on the Python Package Index and can be installed using pip:

pip3 install pysbml4j

Import pysbml4j

You can either import the whole package using

# Import the package in total
import pysbml4j

Then you can access the Service with

client = pysbml4j.Sbml4j()

Alternatively you can import the parts individually using

# Import indiviual parts to use
from pysbml4j import Sbml4j
from pysbml4j import Configuration
from pysbml4j import Network


Here is a basic usage example for connecting to SBML4j, listing all networks and retrieving a specific network in the GraphML format.

# Connect to local running instance on default settings
client = Sbml4j()
# List networks
# Select network
network = client.getNetworkByName("NetworkName")
# retrieve network contents in GraphML
netGraphML = network.graphML()

Indices and tables